
Refund Policy

Dumps4Azure extremely recommend and provide you free demo of our all products to our customers, so that they can be familiar to our products and can check and understand the standards of our provided material before they purchase the complete file. Dumps4Azure is offering you refund contract for your satisfaction. If you do not pass in the certification exam by using our provided material, we pay you back without any question. Dumps4Azure do not mistake in providing you most update questions and their answers and its mean of refund contract is only the satisfaction of our clients. If you are considering that we are offering this because our provided material is false and not prepared according to the behaviour of exam then you are totally wrong, our expert team do not mistake in this regard. Dumps4Azure will never be guilty for the mistake of the customer e.g. not attempting the exam. That is why we have formulated a policy to serve our customers. We are happily sharing it to you as it is essential and favourable for you.

Refund Contract Method

Dumps4Azure refund method is so simple, just follow the below steps.

  • Forward to Dumps4Azure your scanned enrolment slip for the certification exam
  • Acknowledge your registration
  • Forward to Dumps4Azure result copy
  • Dumps purchase Order No.
  • Your provided name and payment procedure.

Our e-mail for repayment is (

If you have desire then you can get another product which can pass you in certification exam or you will be refund with in the 7 working days when you will provide the above mentioned things.